Friday, November 18, 2016

A short comment on “Why Donald Trump Should Not Become President And Why I Disagree” by Angel Vigil, November 04, 2016.

Obviously the post was published 4 days before the election in support of Donald Trump and I would like to congratulate Angel for the victory of her presidential candidate, however I respectfully disagree with her arguments for the following reasons:
·      A healthy and constructive methodology in any election should be choosing the best and most qualified candidates for the job not voting for someone because we dislike his/her opponent.
·      The statement: “she is a criminal and should punished for the crimes she has committed” seems to be inaccurate. Hillary Clinton had only been under investigation and never been charged with any crime. We cannot call a person criminal unless he/she has been formally charged by the prosecutor and found guilty by the court of law. As Democrats are not supposed to call Donald Trump a criminal while he is not convicted in “Trump University Fraud Case”, yet.
·      Angle has a valid point about minimizing America’s involvement in the conflicts around the world and spending the resources in our own country, however we need to remember: 1- the effects of globalization is a reality of modern world and we are part of it, 2- it was a republican president who started two massively expensive wars. It was a Democrat president who brought most of our veterans back home.

·      Lying (to some extend) has become part of politics, we like it or not. So, in response to the statement in the post: “Anyone that lies the way Hillary Clinton does doesn't even take pride in herself, so she can not take pride in her country”, I refer Angel to “POLITIFACTor many other fact checking institutions who have compared two candidates during their campaign and debates. A diagram from “Politifact” in below shows a comparison between president-elect Trump and secretory Clinton:

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